There was a good handicap parking spot in back or side of
building easy to get from there to the door.
The door had a almost ramp right at the door, but need 2 people to hold
the 2 doors. Once inside it wasn’t too
bad, I could get around fine and the table worked well. But then to the
restroom, you have to go through the washroom door then past a storage room and
the women’s room to get to the men’s room.
Just inside the door was a sink in front and to the right and a urinal
to the left. Back past the urinal was a tiny stall that I couldn’t get to
anyways. Once inside I had to pull up
far enough for my dad to shut the door while reaching over me. Once we got the door shut I had to turn
toward the sink to have enough space to use my urinal. And I had to hope no one slammed the door
open into me. Once I was done I got a
wet paper towel since I couldn’t get to the sink. Then to get out dad had to reach over me
again and I had to go forward without running into him, until the door could
open all the way then I had to back all the way out past all the other doors.

2796 S Broadway, Englewood, CO 80113
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