
Welcome to the Accessible Roadtrip Blog. I will be posting information about how accessible places I have been are, including information on bathrooms, restaurants, and hotels.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

A Taste of Home Cooking - Wheat Ridge, CO

September 21, 2013

The handicap parking looked a little awkward, so we parked next to their sign where there was room for us to let our ramp out, but not enough room for someone else to park there.  The front of the restaurant was very crowded; there were a couple of couches that were too big for the space which made it harder to make it through.  Right when we left the waiting area there were steps down to one seating area, so I had to be careful when driving past because there was hardly enough space.  The bathroom was not too bad there was enough room and the stall fairly big.  At the sink the mirrors I couldn’t see either one was too high and the other too low.


4101 Kipling St, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033


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